Advantages and Disadvantages of Real Estate Investing | Don Mcclain Austin
Don Mcclain lives in Austin, Texas has been involved in commercial real estate finance for over 25 years, and is a solution provider. In his free time, Don Mcclain enjoys boating, training, journeying, and spending time with his three children. Investing in real estate can bring a large cash flow for many investors, but only if they invest in the right properties. Investors who are new to investing should not invest inland right away because the investment of land is considered a drain on cash. The real money is in large commercial properties and flipping houses. In order to stay successful in property investing, a person should only concentrate on one area. If a person is investing in commercial property, they should only stick to those areas, instead of crossing over to investing in homes. Trying to do both at the same time can create more of a loss in investments, and can be draining and time-consuming. Investing in real estate takes a lot of experience, knowledge, and...